Reso-guarantee policy or how to defeat an impenetrable captcha. Electronic OSAGO online is a scam! and they take us for idiots Reso does not keep the CTP policy

The search will tell you that it is not at all easy to get OSAGO online at Reso-Garantia, even if you managed to successfully register and proceed with the execution of the policy - it’s not a fact that you will succeed.

1. SMS is waiting for you on the way, like this:

“App confirmation code: Uоj1vС.JRvRo,” (it’s easy to find out that there is Cyrillic and Latin U about j1v FROM.JRvRo highlighted the Cyrillic alphabet in bold, by the way, do not forget about the space before the U symbol - this is also part of the code). The code must be entered manually, copy\past is locked.

2. Mega captcha, like these:

Fortunately, the Internet is at hand, the topic is widely covered, for the hundredth time a good captcha may come across, well, you never know - this is a protection barrier from the lazy, but at least someone must register.…
//—resoJquery('#applicationEosagoDialog').dialog("open"); //—

) else if (successResponseID === » || !successResponseID) (
// A crutch with incorrect password and captcha entry in the client's policy dialog
//Grupa 2017-12-01 Force showing hard capcha resoJquery(‘)

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